Hi, I am attempting to enable Analytics for Inspections Templates in a Field Service environment. I get the error that all users must be Sys Admins or have the "Act on Behalf of Another User" privilege. I have set this privilege for all Sec Roles to which users are assigned, and am still getting the error. Any ideas welcome! Error log below.
Exception Message: To perform this action, users need to be a System Administrator or have the Act on Behalf of Another User privilege.
ErrorCode: -2147220891
HexErrorCode: 0x80040265
ApiExceptionSourceKey: Plugin/Microsoft.Dynamics.FieldService.FieldServicePlugin
ApiStepKey: bfc6fc18-3bc6-49f4-9b09-adde9aa4c814
ApiDepthKey: 1
ApiActivityIdKey: 08a9eb72-e066-4414-a0a0-19397982a905
ApiPluginSolutionNameKey: msdyn_FieldService_patch_update
ApiStepSolutionNameKey: msdyn_FieldService_patch_update
ApiExceptionCategory: ClientError
ApiExceptionMesageName: IsvAborted
ApiExceptionHttpStatusCode: 400
OperationStatus: 0
SubErrorCode: -2146233088
[Microsoft.Dynamics.FieldService: Microsoft.Dynamics.FieldService.FieldServicePlugin]
[bfc6fc18-3bc6-49f4-9b09-adde9aa4c814: Field Service: Update (post-operation) for msdyn_fieldservicesetting]
Activity Id: e6e4c58e-2d95-4109-8ede-075cd91d81d7