we made a special field so customer can get there discount on the invoice which works fine... but we just cannot get a price list with what we have in stock of the part nr´s... It will just show the discount and no value and if we make another list for the value then it does not caluclate the discount...
does anyone know where i can do this... ? Tried price list ... see what result i get .. tried 2 ways .. in customer price group you cannot choose the customer but you get the prices but without the discount... what am i doing wrong... i need for a customer his price list with the rebate so it deducts the rebat and give there actual cost... it does not matter for me if it does not say the discount but only calculated it and give me the end result per product and how many are in stock with part nr description.. So bascially i miss a list with quantitiy in stock also on this list as well as the discount already should be calculated.
when i make a sale invoice it works fine, mentions the discount we have set for a particular customer...
We are using Microsoft Dynamics 2013 r2 version
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