Hello experts,
I ask for help to open a new tab inside a customer service workspace session. What I tried and failed:
While focused a case
const focusedSession = Microsoft.Apm.getFocusedSession(); var tabInput = { templateName: "test_tab", appContext: new Map().set("etn", "contact").set("recordId", "03df6947-eb7a-ed11-81ad-6045bd886b00"), isFocused: true }; await focusedSession.createTab(tabInput).then((tabId)=>{ console.log("created tab with id " tabId); }, (error)=>{ console.log(error); });
The code above does execute without an error, but also without opening a new tab.
What I require:
const focusedSession = Microsoft.Apm.getFocusedSession(); }; await focusedSession.createTab("www.internal.site").then((tabId)=>{ console.log("created tab with id " tabId); }, (error)=>{ console.log(error); });
Is it possible to open a internal HTTPS page inside a tab?