Hi All
Iam trying to coonect to my customised solution Tables in Azure data factory for a solution we have in dynamics 365 .
How do i fix rthis error Or where do I find this Role and assign it
Dynamics operation failed with error code: -2147220960, error message: Principal user (Id=48679f8b-7ee2-e811-816c-e0071b647f71, type=8, roleCount=2, privilegeCount=564, accessMode=0), is missing prvReadbrt_hpccase privilege (Id=39ec4389-c5bd-48e0-a3c9-50b3eeacec7c) on OTC=10551 for entity 'brt_hpccase' (LocalizedName='HPC Case'). context.Caller=48679f8b-7ee2-e811-816c-e0071b647f71. Activity ID: 5d7552dd-49cb-4edc-ae07-ab578c1a9bd
Dynamics operation failed with error code: -2147220960, error message: Principal user (Id=48679f8b-7ee2-e811-816c-e0071b647f71, type=8, roleCount=2, privilegeCount=564, accessMode=0), is missing prvReadbrt_hpccase privilege (Id=39ec4389-c5bd-48e0-a3c9-50b3eeacec7c) on OTC=10551 for entity 'brt_hpccase' (LocalizedName='HPC Case'). context.Caller=48679f8b-7ee2-e811-816c-e0071b647f71. Activity ID: 5d7552dd-49cb-4edc-ae07-ab578c1a9bd7