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Electronic reporting ER Show new field from Vendor payment line journal

Posted on by 39
I am using the standard Payment model in D365 FO for ER reporting for Vendor payment.
I have a requirement to add a new field in the ER configuration to show the 
Based on the payment method and bank setup it will consider the design from the ER designer and we are getting the output of the vendor payment file.
However now I need to add the "central bank purpose code" in the report xml design so need to understand what the node and formula is for the same ?
I have also checked and the field at form level is coming from table ledgerjournaltrans however in the ER mappings we see below names which are non technical and not sure which tables they are referring to 
  • Suggested answer
    Adis Profile Picture
    Adis 2,284 on at
    Electronic reporting ER Show new field from Vendor payment line journal
    Let me provide you with some details how the 
    Model mappging:
    You can find here the mapping to the data source (I had to make 2 screenshots to make it visible)
    Open the selected lists
    scroll down to find the information.
    1: here is the data source
    2: here you see how it is mapped
    in the format:
    In the format you can find it here.
    open model\Payments
    scroll down to RegulatoryReportingDetails and here you can find "Code"
    Keep in mind, if you are putting the code somewhere under PmtInf, its all based on the calculated field "$PaymentbyDebtor" (see 1).
    Therefore, you need to bind your field from the group (see 2) under lines (see 3).
    Hope it helps, Adis
  • VM-08071421-0 Profile Picture
    VM-08071421-0 39 on at
    Electronic reporting ER Show new field from Vendor payment line journal
    hi Adis,

    Thanks for the detail screenshot.
    I am trying to map the check the field
    BankCentralBankPurposeText, BankCentralBankPurposeCode from table "ledgerjournaltrans "
    and using the model "ISO20022 Credit transfer " 
    but I cannot find the datasource as ledgerjournaltrans, can you please guide/help me on how do I find the mapping of this field for this specific payment model.
  • VM-08071421-0 Profile Picture
    VM-08071421-0 39 on at
    Electronic reporting ER Show new field from Vendor payment line journal
    hi Alireza,
    Yes we are using the "ISO20022 Credit transfer " model and want to map a new xml node for the bank purpose code as mentioned in the post.
    I have searched for the purpose code, but the bank purpose code is not shown even though it is a field in the ledgerjournaltrans table i.e. the journal lines of the vendor payment.
  • Suggested answer
    Alireza Eshaghzadeh Profile Picture
    Alireza Eshaghzadeh 11,167 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    Electronic reporting ER Show new field from Vendor payment line journal
    I guess you need to have purpose text, isn't it?
    This value can be retrieved either from vendor card or payment journal lines.
    Which config do you use for ISO20022Credit transfer?
  • Adis Profile Picture
    Adis 2,284 on at
    Electronic reporting ER Show new field from Vendor payment line journal
    Havent worked with it to give you a straigt answer. However, how I solve such issues.
    1.: Check for a field where you already have a binding to a data source that is nearby\on the same table as the field you are looking for (Central bank purpose code).
    2.: Lets say your field next to your purpose code is the "Method of payment bank account" - then check your model mapping how it is bound to the data source.
    With a little bit of search, you may find a field\method that is named similar to the central bank purpose code.
    Kind regards, Adis

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