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Email insights delayed and not coming through

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We have just started using the marketing module to send emails and the insights section seems to be very slow and not reporting properly. We need to be able to see the deliverability figures, click through rates etc., , and we need to be confident that what see in the system is correct. Can anyone help me know how to check if the insights are being pulled correctly?

For example this email yesterday went to 100 people yet the insights say only 52 contacts have been delivered too?


For example, this email went on Tuesday to 1400 people and it has only been delivered to 23 people?


Thank you.

  • Suggested answer
    RajuB Profile Picture
    RajuB on at
    RE: Email insights delayed and not coming through

    Dear Danielle,

    you refer this Email insights in detail about your subscription and how emails being sent and delivered using this Sales insights.

    To view email insights, go to Marketing > Marketing execution > Marketing emails, select an email message, and then open its Insights tab. Insights are only available for email messages that are (or have been) live.

    Here you can find a complete history of how various contacts have reacted to the selected message, which links they selected, and where they were when interacting with the message. You can also see delivery details.

    Because you can reuse an email message in several different journeys, the filter settings for email insights include a field for specifying which journey you would like to analyze. If you don't select a journey, then the information you see applies to all journeys where the message was used. As with most other entities, you can also filter email insights by date range.

    Marketing email messages provide the following categories on the Insights tab:

    • Overview: Provides a general overview that includes KPIs, top-10 links, responses over time, geographical data, and more.
    • Delivery: Provides details about your delivery results (such as processed, delivered, blocked, or bounced), including lists of contacts affected by each type of result. There is also a table of overall results by recipient domain.
    • Links: Provides an analysis of each link included in the message. It includes a graphical reproduction of the message that shows a heat map highlighting your links. The heat map shows a red overlay to indicate the most clicked link, and follows the spectrum down to blue, which indicates the least clicked link. Hover your mouse pointer over a link to see the number of total clicks, unique clicks, and the click-through rate (total number of unique clicks for a given link divided by the total number of unique clicks overall). Use the drop-down list at the top of the heat map to choose which KPI to use when coloring the links. All links are also listed in a table below the heat map.
    • Interactions: Provides full lists of recipients that were counted for each of several KPIs (such as opens, clicks, and forwards), plus a timeline of interactions.

    Quota Limits:

    Insights Glossary:

    If there is still any inconsistency in the behavior, you could raise a ticket with Microsoft support channel for further help.

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