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How., to, complain., against,. a Navi,.. loan?..90,31,5,0,801,1..,,,✔️

Posted on by 27
Here are the steps to file a complaint against a Navi loan:
1. Reach out to Navi's customer service: Support,090-315,08011,,.✔️ First, try to resolve the issue directly with Navi's customer service team. You can contact them via phone, email, or through their website/app. Explain the issue clearly and request a resolution.
2. File a complaint with Navi: If you are unable to resolve the issue with customer service, you can file a formal complaint with Navi. Most lenders have an online complaint form or dedicated email address for this purpose. Provide all the relevant details about your loan and the problem you are facing.
3. Escalate to the banking ombudsman: If Navi is unresponsive or you are not satisfied with their resolution, you can escalate your complaint to the Reserve Bank of India's Banking Ombudsman. The Ombudsman is an independent authority that can investigate your complaint and provide a binding decision.
4. Provide supporting documents: When filing a complaint, make sure to gather and submit all relevant documents such as loan agreement, payment receipts, correspondence with Navi, etc. This will help strengthen your case.
5. Follow up persistently: Keep track of your complaint and follow up regularly with both Navi and the Banking Ombudsman (if applicable) until the issue is resolved satisfactorily.
6. Consider legal action: If the above steps do not yield a favorable outcome, you may need to consider taking legal action against Navi, such as filing a consumer court case.
The key is to approach the complaint process systematically and provide clear documentation to support your case. Let me know if you have any other questions!

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