Hello. I wanted to mimic the Item List page but change the source as I need to show purchase line records instead whereby item no is part of the fields and also show some of the fields from the ITem table. So essentially, the source is an inner join between Purchase Lines Table and Item Table. But I still want to show the Item List Factboxes and I still want users to go to Item Card (or Purchase ORder Card) when dbl clicking onto the record. THe problem is I chose the solution of using a temporary table that is populated on open of the page. This way I don't have to worry about the integer table to show fields from Item table. Everything looks good except that when I double click I get an error because I have CardPageID set to Item Card from the properties of the Temporary table which is the source of the page. I got rid of this problem by removing the CardPageID value and just creating a function that opens Item Card on assistedit of ITemNo. However, I am still having problems with the factboxes I copied from Item List. I already changed the link so it only looks for the corresponding Itemno (no date filters). I get below error:
Please help! I have below properties for that factbox:
I look forward to hearing back from you!
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