Hello community,
I am reworking some relationship details in our system since requirements changed.
Situation so far:
* There's a custom MultiSelectOptionSet called category that is present on incident, msdyn_workorder and two custom entities (orderposition, opportunityposition) as well as the msdyn_workorderservice entity
* msdyn_workorder has an n:1 relation with incident and both custom entities, and a 1:n relationship with msdyn_workorderservice.
* for both custom entities there was an attribute mapping category that pretty much didn't do anything, since they were ignored due to having two attribute mappings to the same field. I've removed these now as they were pointless and no longer needed anyway (solved it differently), and published these changes.
* for the msdyn_workorder to msdyn_workorderservice relationship there's a mapping from category to category, so that newly created msdyn_workorderservices will inherit the msdyn_workorders categories.
now we have the requirement that msdyn_workorderservice should in turn inherit it's category from incident, so I tried setting up that attribute mapping and I'm getting an error that lists a bunch of possible reasons:
* data type must match - Checked, OK
* target field may not be shorter than source - Checked, OK.
* format must be the same - Checked, OK.
* target field must not be used in another mapping - Checked, and while it's not used as the target field anywhere any longer, it's used as the source field.
* source field must be visible - Checked, OK , even though that's a stupid requirement tbh.
* target field must be a "data entry field for users" - No idea what's this is supposed to mean, I'm translating from German here. Users can enter data in that field, so I guess that's also OK?
* Adress id fields cannot be mapped - Well, it's not an address so should be OK.
Any ideas why creating this mapping isn't possible? I also checked the fields dependencies and the only EntityRelationship that comes up right now is the one from msdyn_workorder to msdyn_workorderservice.
*edit* one more detail: The instance I'm working on is already on Wave 2 2020