I have to Change the color of the Text in the Dialog Box,Instead of Black color Text it should be in Red Color. Any Suggestions please .
I have to Change the color of the Text in the Dialog Box,Instead of Black color Text it should be in Red Color. Any Suggestions please .
You don't have the right to judge another users request/question and attempt to make them feel stupid for even asking.
You may & should, however, discuss how easy or difficult the task is. Is it a change to Windows. Is it a change to office. Can it be accomplished via VBA etc.
My issue with some of the dialog boxes text color myself, is that it has now become some faded gray color which is ridiculous and is somewhat difficult to see.
To insinuate that someone's request is not welcome is just wrong. Always remember there are no stupid questions.
Karma always finds a way.
Hi Sergei,
Thank you so much it works. Have a good Day.
Hi Ram,
Wrap the text with <b> tag
<p style="color:red;"><b>This is a bold red text</b></p>
Hi Sergei ,
How to make my text bold with the color changed.
Yes, Yes and no command buttons manually.
Hi Sergei,
Thanks it works fine for me.
Hi Crispin,
Yeah i have added the text should i add yes and No buttons there manually.
Design>>new control>>Static text (for example)
Once you added the text, you can set it's font, from the properties
Hi Crispin,
I have Created a form with property 'always on top' to yes. Where Should i add the Condition Text .
Just make a copy of yesYesAllNoCancel method from Box class with a minor change like below.
public client static DialogButton yesNoTest( str _text, DialogButton _defaultButton, str _title = "@SYS11132", boolean _modal = false) { Args args; Object formRunObj; FormRun formRun; ; args = new Args(); args.name(formstr(SysBoxForm)); formRun = classfactory.formRunClass(args); formRun.init(); formRunObj = formRun; formRunObj.setTitle(_title); formRunObj.setText(_text, false); formRunObj.setType(DialogBoxType::YesNoBox); formRunObj.parmDefaultButton(_defaultButton); formRun.run(); formRun.wait(_modal); return formRunObj.dialogButton(); }
And test it with code:
Box::yesNoTest('This is a red text
', DialogButton::Yes);
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