We have a very simple solution where we use different lists to view our tickets and also a simple view with some customer information and then a timeline for the notes.
A while ago, around June 20th, those things stopped auto-updating.
When we open a case, we often have to click Update for it to manually update the information on the timeline. Sometimes several times.
On the lists they show the correct information when we first open a tab with the list. But when we change from a list tab to a case or other list, and go back to the list, it shows old information. We press Update and it loads the correct data.
I am VERY new to MS Dynamics, so I don't know if I managed to explain this well enough. If you need more information, ask me and I'll try to give you more information.
List view
If I go from /Saker Innboks/ to /Saker Mine aktive saker/ then I always have to press Update (Oppdtater) to get the correct list. It somehow seems to default to showing what was on the list, first time I opened it for the day
Case view
Whenever I open a case, the timeline often shows incomplete data, or for instance I don't have the icon to press to send out a reply on e-mail. I then have to press Update, and it corrects itself, but sometimes I have to update the case several times.