Is It possible can we restrict auto create contact for specific domain like (@gmail.com) without throwing error
When we are set regarding email from Outlook,It will create a contact in MSD if "User" Email and "Contact" not exist with the recipient email address
In MSD on User level there is personal setting for Auto Creating contact on Email Receiving in MSD
We want to restrict only those auto create contact which are email address contains "@gmail.com"
I have created Business Rule on contact creation and condition is If email address contains @gmail.com it will throw error ,It will works as expected means auto contact not created but at the time of set regarding from outlook it will throwing generic error in Outlook.
I have tried same thing using Plugin ,On entity Contact, "Create" Message and On Pre-Operation ,but same behave like Business rule Means it will throw error at the time set regarding from Outlook
Thanks In advance....