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Timeline Activity Not Appearing after Changing Sender E-mail

Posted on by 24

When replying mails from timeline activity:

I'm modifying the default sender adress to the queue entity for every E-Mail form using below JS. However, e-mails sent this way are not recorded in the timeline of the case.

How can I change this behaviour?

function setSender(executionContext, entityType, name, ID) {
    var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
    // Check if the script has already run
    if (sessionStorage.getItem(/setSenderExecuted/)) {
        return; // Exit the function if the script has already run
    // Set the /From/ field
    var lookup = new Array();
    lookup[0] = new Object();
    lookup[0].id = ID; 
    lookup[0].name = name; 
    lookup[0].entityType = entityType;
    // Mark the script as executed
    sessionStorage.setItem(/setSenderExecuted/, /true/);
  • BK-17051419-0 Profile Picture
    BK-17051419-0 24 on at
    Timeline Activity Not Appearing after Changing Sender E-mail
    Sorry, I'm new to all Power Apps world. I call this function onLoad when a user clicks reply in timeline of a case. 

    This is my incomplete code.  I can't access parentactivity id on the e-mail form. it's not there?

    I think one of the mistakes lies in the line:

    var lookupObject = formContext.getAttribute("ticketnumber"); // Get the Lookup Object
    var formContext;
    function getLookupValue(executionContext) {
        formContext = executionContext.getFormContext(); // Get formContext
        var lookupObject = formContext.getAttribute("ticketnumber"); // Get the Lookup Object
        if (lookupObject != null) {
             console.log("lookupObject value is not null")
            var lookupObjectValues = lookupObject.getValue(); // Get the Lookup Value
            if (lookupObjectValues != null) {
                var RecordId = lookupObjectValues[0].id; // Get the Lookup id
                var RecordName = lookupObjectValues[0].name; // Get the Lookup Name
                var EntitySchemaName = lookupObjectValues[0].entityType; // Get the Lookup EntityName
                // Call setLookupValue with the retrieved values
                setLookupValue(executionContext, "regardingobjectid", RecordId, RecordName, EntitySchemaName);
        } else {
            console.log("lookupObject value is null")
    function setLookupValue(executionContext, regardingAttribute, RecordId, RecordName, EntitySchemaName) {
        if (regardingAttribute != null) {
            var lookupValue = new Array();
            lookupValue[0] = new Object();
            lookupValue[0].id = RecordId;
            lookupValue[0].name = RecordName;
            lookupValue[0].entityType = EntitySchemaName;
            formContext.getAttribute(regardingAttribute).setValue(lookupValue); // Set lookupValue from array
            console.log("Lookup value set for " + regardingAttribute);
        } else {
            console.log("Lookup value not set");
    // OnLoad function to initiate the process
    function onLoad(executionContext) {
        console.log("onLoad function called.");
  • Suggested answer
    Leah Ju Profile Picture
    Leah Ju Microsoft Employee on at
    Timeline Activity Not Appearing after Changing Sender E-mail
    There is one lookup column in the email.
    --In replied emails, the Parent Activity Id column store the parent or initial email id.
    So you can retrieve parent email get regarding value through the column value .
  • BK-17051419-0 Profile Picture
    BK-17051419-0 24 on at
    Timeline Activity Not Appearing after Changing Sender E-mail
    I couldn't find a way to access ticketnumber and title from e-mail form so that I can set regardingobjectid. Could you also help with that?
  • Verified answer
    Leah Ju Profile Picture
    Leah Ju Microsoft Employee on at
    Timeline Activity Not Appearing after Changing Sender E-mail
    You need to set 'Regarding' column in the email through javascript.
    ‘Regarding’ column is also one special lookup, so you can also write code similar as 'From' column.
    --Changing attribute to regardingobjectid when set value.
    More details:

    I hope you can mark my answer verified if it answer your question! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

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