I am facing the following problem: I would like to show a system user an appnotification when another user creates a share with this user (or a team in which the user is a member). During my research I found the following tutorial, which shows how a plugin can be triggered by a share / unshare:
Plugin Triggered When Share/Unshare CRM C#
When I try to register my plugin with the Plugin Registration Tool as shown in the tutorial, I already face the first problem: I can choose "GrantAccess" as my message, but I don't have "pa_class" for the primary entity . Also, I cannot specify "system user" here.
I know that the CreateNotification function works, since I already used it in another plugin. This is my code:
protected override void OnExecute(PluginContext context) { Post_Message_GrantOrRevokeAccess(context); } void Post_Message_GrantOrRevokeAccess(PluginContext context) { var log = context.Logger; var pluginContext = context.PluginExecutionContext; if (pluginContext.MessageName == "GrantAccess") { // Obtain the target entity from the input parameter. EntityReference EntityRef = (EntityReference)pluginContext.InputParameters["Target"]; Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages.PrincipalAccess PrincipalAccess = (Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages.PrincipalAccess)pluginContext.InputParameters["PrincipalAccess"]; //Then got the User or Team and also Access Control that being Granted //***to Get User/Team that being Shared With var userOrTeam = PrincipalAccess.Principal; var userOrTeamId = userOrTeam.Id; var userOrTeamLogicalName = userOrTeam.LogicalName; //use the logical Name to know whether this is User or Team if (userOrTeamLogicalName == "team") { QueryExpression userQuery = new QueryExpression("systemuser"); userQuery.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet(true); LinkEntity teamLink = new LinkEntity("systemuser", "teammembership", "systemuserid", "systemuserid", JoinOperator.Inner); ConditionExpression teamCondition = new ConditionExpression("teamid", ConditionOperator.Equal, userOrTeamId); // add the condition to the intersect teamLink.LinkCriteria.AddCondition(teamCondition); // add the intersect to the query userQuery.LinkEntities.Add(teamLink); //get the results EntityCollection retrievedUsers = context.OrganizationService.RetrieveMultiple(userQuery); log.LogTrace($"The ID of the team a share was created with: {userOrTeamId.ToString()}"); // fetch the results foreach (Entity user in retrievedUsers.Entities) { var userId = user.Id; CreateNotification(context, userId); log.LogTrace($"The ID of the user a share was created with: {userId.ToString()}"); } } if (userOrTeamLogicalName == "systemuser") { CreateNotification(context, userOrTeamId); log.LogTrace($"The ID of the user a share was created with: {userOrTeamId.ToString()}"); } } } void CreateNotification(PluginContext context, Guid userId) { var notification = new Entity("appnotification"); notification["title"] = "Test Notification"; notification["body"] = $"User notification"; notification["ownerid"] = new EntityReference("systemuser", userId); context.OrganizationService.Create(notification); }
I also tried to create a profile to be able to debug my code, however, it seems as if the plugin is not even triggered yet.
This is not a surprise either, since my primary entity is not filled in the Registration Tool either.
I am thankful for any advice!