RE: how to hide row with blank Quantity on On-Hand form
Hi Shabir,
Use Dimensions display. Make sure Closed transactions is un-ticked. Make sure Quantity <> 0 is ticked.
I suggest this is all you try to do to hide lines where there is no quantity. It will not hide them all, but it may hide some.
Select the line which has no quantity. Click on the On-hand tab. You will probably see that, although the Quantities are empty, there is a Physical cost amount or Financial cost amount. This is the reason the line exists. Explain this to your users; explain that the reason that they see it is a boring technical reason related to inventory costing. Tell them that you can tidy them so they don't get out of hand, but you can't stop them from appearing completely.
You should be using the Inventory close function, probably every month. Make sure you do this. Also consider testing the On-hand cleanup jobs. I find different one's are useful, depending on which costing method (inventory model) you are using, and whether you have enabled the Warehouse management module. You'll find them at Inventory management -> Periodic -> Clean up. Any of the one's with 'on-hand' in the name might be useful. Try them in a test environment first. I normally set them to run once a week, at the weekend. If you do these things, AX will tidy these zero quantity lines. In my view, this and education is the best solution.
Finally, if you are fighting a losing battle with your users, and if you have AX 2012 R3, try Warehouse management -> Inquiries -> Physical on-hand inventory. It never shows zero quantity lines.