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Dynamics 365 general forum

Default app with multiple model driven app

Posted on by 75

Hi all,

We have two primary model driven apps that are shared between both teams in the business.  Each team will primarily work in the app that is relevant to their processes, but at times will go into the other app.

I'd like to know if there is a way for some users to have one app as their default, and other users have the other app as their default.

Appreciate any feedback.

  • Tarjani_ec Profile Picture
    Tarjani_ec 75 on at
    RE: Default app with multiple model driven app

    Hi Hao,

    Thanks for clarifying this.  The options you have presented is what I have started to find is happening, but I wasn't sure if there was a setting something that I was over looking.  Thank you for your response, I'll stop looking for that setting now.

  • Verified answer
    LuHao Profile Picture
    LuHao 40,844 on at
    RE: Default app with multiple model driven app

    Hi partner,

    Unfortunately, currently D365 does not have the function of setting a default app for users.

    The logic of which app is the default is that when a user visits the D365 organization address( for the first time in a browser, the user will see all the apps he can access, and then select one to access.

    Then, when he visits the D365 organization address in the same browser again, he will automatically see the last app he visited in this browser last time.

    The browser's cache will record the last app visited by the user. When the user logs in to D365, the browser will automatically open the last visited app.

    When the user clears the browser cache or changes the browser, he will see all the apps he can access when he visits the D365 organization address.

    Therefore, I recommend that users directly save the app URL as a browser bookmark.

    In the APP list, select an app and click MANAGE ROLES,


    Enter the App URL Suffix, the URL


    The URL below the input box can be used as a browser bookmark, and the user can directly access the default app through the bookmark next time.

  • Tarjani_ec Profile Picture
    Tarjani_ec 75 on at
    RE: Default app with multiple model driven app

    As an extra note, the only two areas that I've been able to find on this so far are:

     (no luck here)

    Perhaps I missed something in their steps, or perhaps something has changed since.  Any feedback welcome!

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