we are currently setting up Batch production in AX2012R2
So far looks fine. But we struggle a little with co/by products:
What we want:
When a co-product is reported as finsihed, the the costs for the co-product shall be deduced from the costs of the "std/desired" product. We what to set behind the co-product a std. cost rate per qty. ( eg. co-product cost rate(value) 1 USD / kg, 10 kg produced-> final/std/desired product shall be released by 10 USD per this production order.
The invers idea for by-products:
When a ¨b<-product is reported as finsihed, the the costs for the by-product shall be added from the costs of the "std/desired" product. We what to set behind the by-product a std. cost rate per qty. ( eg. by -product cost rate 1 USD / kg, 10 kg produced-> final/std/desired product shall be added 10 USD per this production order as costs.
so far i didnt find a good help/link / Explanation on this
Maybe some one here has a good link or can easiely explain
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