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Extended Data Entity with Ledger Dimension

Posted on by 11,304

Good morning all

I'm extending a data entity (VendorPostingProfileLineEntity) which already has a number of ledger account references to include an additional ledger account reference. I've duplicated everything that the current entity does but the data simply does not populate when running the import on the entity.

I've done the following

On the Entity Extension.

1. Added an outer join readonly data source (DimensionCombinationEntity)
2. Created a link from my Dimension field on the main table datasource to the new reference datasource
3. Added my dimension field reference to the field list, marked as "private"
4. Added the new datasource's DimensionCombinationEntity.DisplayValue to the field list (editable)
5. Created a relation from the Entity to DimensionCombinationEntity
6. Extended the staging table to include the new DisplayValue field.


- There is no code in the base entity to do the population of the source table's various DimensionRecId reference fields 
- The staging table does populate from my import file

Has anybody seen this behaviour?

  • Extended Data Entity with Ledger Dimension
    I am also facing the same issue. Could you please let me know if you have found any solution for this problem

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