RE: Additional Withholding amount not being withheld
Back into the federal tax calculation using the steps below:
- All wages are annualized, based on the pay period frequency you mentioned. This employee is on a weekly pay frequency $17.00/hr x 21.25 hours (using the hours on the paystub screenshot) x 52 pay periods = $18,785.00 total annualized wages
- Annualized Deductions that are sheltered from tax $0.00 (using the hours on the paystub screenshot).
- Subtract the exemption amount (personal exemption amount $0000.00 x # of exemptions) Screenshot shows Federal Filing Status: Married and 0 exemptions
$18,785.00 – $0.00 = $18,785.00
(This can be found at Administration >> Setup >> System >> Payroll Tax >> Click on Filing Status button >> select the filing status for this scenario)
4. Subtract all Tax Sheltered Deductions = $0.00. $18,785.00– $0.00 = $18,785.00 annualized taxable wage. This puts you in the tax table of $0.00 at 10% (From Tax Tables).

5. Now take $18,785.00 annualized taxable wages – $13,000.00 On Excess Over from the table = $5,785.00
6. Taxable excess $5,785.00 * 10% = 578.50 tax amount
7. Tax Amount $0.00 + $57.85 = $578.50 / 52 pay periods = 11.13 (federal tax calculation) + 25.00 (additional withholding) = 36.13 the additional $25 is included in the federal tax withheld.
I hope this helps,
Margi Jandro
Microsoft Dynamics GP Support