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Additional Withholding amount not being withheld

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I have added $25 additional withholding to an employee's Federal Tax card.  In the Build Checks step, "Include additional taxes for" Federal State and Local boxes are all checked. Yet the additional amount is not being withheld.   

It seems to be only with this one employee.  I have other employees who's additional withholdings are functioning just fine.

Am I missing a step somewhere?

  • GodseyF Profile Picture
    GodseyF 5 on at
    RE: Additional Withholding amount not being withheld

    Getting a second job is the most common reason for needing to adjust your W-4. Do this whether you moonlight, have a home business or get another full-time job. Any time your income goes up, your tax liability will likely go up too, requiring a new W-4.TellHappyStar Survey

  • Taylor_Greenwood Profile Picture
    Taylor_Greenwood 382 on at
    RE: Additional Withholding amount not being withheld

    What if, for instance, the individual had higher wages than the provided example and the 'tax amount' column wasn't $0, is that amount deducted before the 'on excess over' amount?

    Also, what occurs when the number of exemptions is left blank? Does Dynamics deduct the personal exemption or does it act as though 0 exemptions are claimed.

    What does the federal filing status under single 'Married Withhold As Single' change?

    I have an individual who works about the same each week (50hrs @ $22/hr, but sometimes as much as 65hrs) on weekly pay. All pay-codes, and deductions are set to weekly. He requested an additional $50 federal withholding, under single status (is married but wants more deducted). The exemption box was left blank and his federal withholding appears to be fluctuating up and down seemingly around months end check to the first check of the month. For the most part, week to week the comparable checks are in-line. What would cause the fluctuation? Does the overtime have any effect? I have tried to build a smart list to review the additional withholding, which I am told was increased recently (from $25), however the amount appears to be the same as it is now. Does the smart list just pull the current amount, or is there another way to review what the additional amount has previously been? Just hoping to explain to this individual what is happening so they don't lose faith!

    Thank you!

  • Suggested answer
    Margi Jandro Profile Picture
    Margi Jandro on at
    RE: Additional Withholding amount not being withheld

    Back into the federal tax calculation using the steps below:

    1. All wages are annualized, based on the pay period frequency you mentioned. This employee is on a weekly pay frequency $17.00/hr x 21.25 hours (using the hours on the paystub screenshot) x 52 pay periods = $18,785.00 total annualized wages
    2. Annualized Deductions that are sheltered from tax $0.00 (using the hours on the paystub screenshot).
    3. Subtract the exemption amount (personal exemption amount $0000.00 x # of exemptions) Screenshot shows Federal Filing Status: Married and 0 exemptions

    $18,785.00 – $0.00 = $18,785.00

    (This can be found at Administration >> Setup >> System >> Payroll Tax >> Click on Filing Status button >> select the filing status for this scenario)

     4. Subtract all Tax Sheltered Deductions = $0.00. $18,785.00– $0.00 = $18,785.00 annualized taxable wage. This puts you in the tax table of $0.00 at 10% (From Tax Tables).


    5. Now take $18,785.00 annualized taxable wages – $13,000.00 On Excess Over from the table = $5,785.00

    6. Taxable excess $5,785.00 * 10% = 578.50 tax amount

    7. Tax Amount $0.00 + $57.85 = $578.50 / 52 pay periods = 11.13 (federal tax calculation) + 25.00 (additional withholding) = 36.13 the additional $25 is included in the federal tax withheld.

    I hope this helps,

    Margi Jandro

    Microsoft Dynamics GP Support

  • lasmith Profile Picture
    lasmith 7 on at
    RE: Additional Withholding amount not being withheld

    Can you add images of the Employee Tax Maintenance card? and maybe from the precheck report?

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