Here i have a action menu item control (Auto create purchase order) in my salesTableListpage form. when calling this menu item i want to filter the record in the corres ponding form(purch create fron sales order) based on my conditon.
here i write a my code in purchcreate datasource execute query method using coc
here my problem is that when iam calling the query it affects the stf i can filter the record only when i calling the menuitem
public void executeQuery()
QueryBuildDataSource qbdsSalesline;
QueryBuildDataSource qbdsInventTable;
QueryBuildRange qbrAutoPurchCreation;
FormRun formRun;
SalesLine salesLine;
SalesTable salesTable;
InventTableModule inventTable;
MenuFunction menuFunction;
Args args = new Args();
Common callerRecord;
QueryRun queryRun;
PurchCreateFromSalesOrder purForm;
qbdsSalesline = this.query().dataSourceTable(tableNum(SalesLine));
qbdsInventTable = qbdsSalesline.addDataSource(tableNum(InventTableModule));
qbdsInventTable.addLink(fieldNum(InventTableModule, ItemId), fieldNum(SalesLine, ItemId));
qbdsInventTable.addRange(fieldNum(InventTableModule, AutoCreatePO)).value(strFmt("%1", NoYes::Yes));
next executeQuery();