RE: Dynamics Portal: filter knowledge search results by category in same results page
Hi JasR
Look at what is actually being done for the Customer Self Service. There are 2 main Web templates being utilised:
Knowledge Base - Home: this lists the categories and creates URLs that pass the category number to the child page
Category Details: this receives the category number in the id parameter, which is then used to end up getting the GUID of the actually category (this is then substituted into the FetchXML query to retrieve the collection of articles).
These are two pieces of code that involve categories as well as knowledge base articles, maybe you can refer it:
{% extends 'layout_1_column' %}
{% block main %}
{% include 'Page Copy' %}
{% assign category_url = sitemarkers['Category'].url %}
{% assign count = count | default: 0 %}
{% assign categories = knowledge.categories | top_level: count %}
{% if categories %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% extends 'Layout 1 Column' %}
{% block breadcrumbs %}
{% assign categoryid = request.params['id'] %}
{% if categoryid %}
{% assign category = knowledge.categories | category_number: categoryid %}
{% if category %}
{% assign pagetitle = category.title %}
{% assign categoryguid = category.categoryid %}
{% else %}
{% assign pagetitle = resx["Knowledge_Article_Unavailable"] %}
{% endif %}
{% endif%}
{% include 'Breadcrumbs' title: pagetitle %}
{% endblock %}
{% block title %}
{% include 'Page Header' title: pagetitle %}
{% endblock %}
{% block main %}
{% include 'Page Copy' %}
{% assign category_url = sitemarkers['Category'].url %}
{% assign portallanguagecode = website.selected_language.code %}
{% if categoryguid %}
{% fetchxml knowledgearticlecategory_query %}
{% if portallanguagecode %}
{% endif %}
{% endfetchxml %}
{% assign articles = knowledgearticlecategory_query.results.entities %}
{% if articles.size > 0 %}
{% endif %}
{% include 'Category - Related Categories' categoryguid: categoryguid %}
{% else %}
{% editable snippets "KnowledgeManagement/ArticleUnavailableMessage" %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
Leah Ju
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