Hey guys,
once again I have a very specific requirement which is cooking up in my brain.
I have two custom entities.
1: Template Entity X
2: Record Entity Y
Whenever a specific field on Record Entity Y has a specific value, a record from Template Entitiy X is retrieved.
This Template Entity X record contains a note with an attachment. That Attachment is an XLSX Excel file.
My Plug-In gets that XLSX file from that template entity X record.
Now I want to open that file with OpenXML, write some values in some columns, close the file and add it as a new attachment to a note to the Record Entity Y record which triggered the plugin.
This is the code I got so far:
#region RetrieveTemplateRecord //Retrieve Template Record QueryByAttribute template_query = new QueryByAttribute("new_customtemplates"); template_query.AddAttributeValue("new_name", "sample_template"); template_query.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet(true); EntityCollection template_result = service.RetrieveMultiple(template_query); Entity template_record = template_result.Entities.First(); //Retrieve Note/Attachment from Template Record QueryByAttribute template_file_query = new QueryByAttribute("annotation"); template_file_query.AddAttributeValue("objectid", template_record.Id); template_file_query.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet(true); EntityCollection template_file_result = service.RetrieveMultiple(template_file_query); Entity template_file = template_file_result.Entities.First(); //Template Body String string template_body = template_file.GetAttributeValue("documentbody"); //Template Body Byte Array byte[] template_data = Convert.FromBase64String(template_body); #endregion RetrieveTemplateRecord #region OpenTemplateInOpenXML //CONTINUTE HERE #endregion OpenTemplateInOpenXML #region DocumentToPriceList string entitytype = "new_pricelist"; Entity Note = new Entity("annotation"); Guid EntityToAttachTo = targetEntity.Id; // The GUID of the incident Note["objectid"] = new EntityReference(entitytype, EntityToAttachTo); Note["objecttypecode"] = entitytype; Note["subject"] = document_type; Note["notetext"] = targetEntity.GetAttributeValue("new_name"); Note["filename"] = template_record.GetAttributeValue("new_name") ".xlsx"; Note["documentbody"] = Convert.ToBase64String(document_binary); Note["mimetype"] = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"; service.Create(Note); #endregion DocumentToPriceList
Can anyone help me out on how to get from the byte[ to a working spreadsheet document in OpenXML and then put it back into a byte[ and then string in order to add it as an attachment to a note?
I have tried several things but cannot find a working way to "open" the document the right way in OpenXML. I Have tried working with a memorystream, with a filestream. But I can't get around the forth and back conversions.
Best wishes and many thankas guys,