I want to write an app that posts output journals for released prod. order operations.
The pc is logged in as a data capture device rather than the machine operator.
The Production order, op and machine operator are selected and quantities done including set/run times posted via output journal.
My aim is to record "Who" the Machine operator was for that output journal entry so we can then see the 'star operators' and the ones not pulling their weight.
ie. Jo Bloggs produced 120 items in 1 hour for prod order 1234567 op 10.
but Fred produced 30 in 1 hour 15 minutes etc. (so Jo Bloggs gets reward :-) )
I was thinking of posting Resource Journals for the 'Person' Resource with 'time' UOM eg minutes.
But, and here is my problem : I can populate the document number (=prod order no) but where do I record the op number for the Resource journal?
(in order to link the output ledger with the Resource ledger line)
Is there a better way to achieve this aim ?
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