I'm doing a report using Visual Studio.When exporting to word, at end of report appears blank page. How to remove it?
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I'm doing a report using Visual Studio.When exporting to word, at end of report appears blank page. How to remove it?
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Hi Vesna,
First, The printOnly detail is for this:
Sales Header table and Sales Line table
You have a order (order 1) with lines and other order (order 2) without lines.
If in a report you create a dataitem with Sales Header and second dataitem Sales Line and link Sales Line to Sales Header. If you mark yes the print only datail option (if you create layour with correct groups) the report only show the order have lines.
Some times the standart acción to export word not works good... then review if in the report viewer look´s fine your report, if not then:
1º Check the width of your layour report is correct. Check Not have a blank area in the right. like some this:
In the picture you can see a area blanck without data (marked with red line bellow), but this area is printed by the report then if more large that page size it creates a second page to put this area.
2º Review the height (same before)
3º When you print the report press cntr + alt + f1 and review the detaill data. Look if you see blanks rows or some data wrong.
If you see some blank rows then maybe you need create a rule visibility or:
4º Review your groups defined in the report are correct comparing with the data of point 3.
If this not work please set some pictures of your dataitem, dataitem properties and layout desing, etc....
Select the Dataitem in the report,
then click on Shift+F4
When i choose that option it doesnt show any report data
Click on Dataitem then select Properties. set PrintOnlyIfDetails to Yes. this will eliminate blank data
Are you using getData setData in the report header and do you have any hidden textbox which has show or hide expression ? Sometimes the hidden textbox causes a problem and blank space is displayed in the report
I checked it. It is ok
You need to check the below 2 conditions:
1. Total Height of (Header+Body+Footer+Top margin+Bottom margin) should be <= Page height
2. Total width of (Body +Left margin+right margin) should be <= Page width
Actually you need to calculate the size manually, (Header +Body + Footer)
How to check layout size?
Make sure your layout size is not greater the page size.
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