Inside opportunity I've attached a simple .txt file that is perfectly stored in sharepoint, but I'm not able to find in which table and in which colum of my dataverseDB the <path-link/name of my file attachment> is stored.
thanks for any help.
Inside opportunity I've attached a simple .txt file that is perfectly stored in sharepoint, but I'm not able to find in which table and in which colum of my dataverseDB the <path-link/name of my file attachment> is stored.
thanks for any help.
In this way it's working, but there is a way more "generic" to do the same thing? So I must create a Power Automate flow for any folder
it's possible to insert a category to set on every attachment (or file or document) and send a mail only for files that are in category that I have decided?
thanks Leah Ju, you give me a great suggestion.
2nd step insert a category for all documents/files inserted/saved and filter for category before send the mail, I'll send mail only for category "quote" or "offer"
Hi DiePic,
You can use SharePoint Connector - 'When a file is created (properties only)' trigger in the flow:
Here’s what it looks like.
The trigger requires the following information:
And you can refer the following link to know the complete process:
In Power Automate, Microsoft SharePoint Connector supports the following flow triggers and actions.
Microsoft SharePoint Connector for Power Automate | Microsoft Docs
Thanks a lot.
I was seeking a way to start an event (send an email to direction) when a specific document or a file is uploaded ... and I was thinking that maybe when a new record is added in the " SharePoint Document Locations" table, can be a solution.
Hi DiePic,
You can access SharePoint Document locations from Settings->Document Management -> SharePoint Document Locations.
You can open file location directly from Document grid by selecting file and clicking on Open Location ribbon button.
I hope it helps,
Please mark as verified if the answer is helpful. Welcome to join hot discussions in Dynamics 365.
thanks for your reply ... with some difficulty (because is in italian translate), I find it... thanks a lot
To get sharepoint document path in D365, look for entity 'sharepointdocumentlocation' (Display name : Document locations)
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