Hopefully this is the correct place to post/ask this question, currently I'm working in a Dynamics 365 CRM system and have been tasked with creating an independent picklist in which a child field is filtered via a parent field.
I have an success in doing this however I need to create a parent field that filters a child field to which then filters to a following field. I have currently used the same implementation of the parent child on this new parent child, however I'm having issues with the value of the second field not updating the third field unless I force a refresh.
I have been using this for reference : https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/dynamicscrm-2015/developers-guide/gg594433(v=crm.7)?redirectedfrom=MSDN
I have implemented both in similar ways but am wondering if it's not possible this way....
For reference I want 3 fields in which filter based off the one above it: