I have the following situation: In the fixed asset module we have many fixed asset books. For one book the fixed asset has the status "not acquired" - see status below.
This fixed asset has been migrated before. Now if I check the value, I see that this fixed asset with the status "not acquired" has an depreciation amount - see yellow marked below.
When I want to correct this depreciation value in the fixed asset journal, I get the following messages
"Acquisition for fixed asset XXX, book TAX, does not exist."
"Fixed asset with status Not yet acquired cannot have transaction type Depreciation."
How can I have a fixed asset with a depreciation value with the status "Not acquired"???
I cannot cancel the depreciation amount, because it is in the old fiscal year.
How can I get rid of this depreciation amount, if the fixed asset has the status "not acquired"???
Best regards
How did you create the acquisition in TAX layer book? Can you see acquisition value in Tax layer book?
You can only be allowed to post depreciation in a Book in which you have acquisition posted.
I would suggest checking your main book and derived book for depreciation. This issue normally happens when you acquired FA for Current layer but try to post depreciation for all derived book, in this specific case I would suggest to post acquisition entry in other layer's book before passing depreciation.
Let us know if this helps.
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