Hello Guys
I have a customer self serviec portal and enabled the SharePoint Integreation for it. I would now like to display a subgrid with the sharepoint files on the knowledge article form. I followed the steps as described here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powerapps/maker/portals/manage-sharepoint-documents but just did it for the knowledge articles enitity/form instead of the case. However I was not able to see any effect and I think it is because the default "knowledgedatabase – article details" page does not use the entitiy form?
How can I accomplish my goal of getting a document read only subgrid on the knowledge artciles?
BTW: I know you can use notes and attachments, but you are only allowed to a add a single document via note, we need multiple, thats why the SharePoint integration is needed.
Thanks for any help