Whilst opening the remote assistant on HoloLens2 , it shows the below error:
No eligible environment to install the app remote asssist 365 - Hololens2 industrial edition
Re: No eligible environment to install the app remote asssist 365 - Hololens2 industrial edition
Re: No eligible environment to install the app remote asssist 365 - Hololens2 industrial edition
/ class=/lia-media-image/ src=https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/image/serverpage/image-id/539971iD69559BB081A4060/image-size/medium?v=v2&px=400/ style=/border-color:initial; border-style:initial; border-width:0px; display:block; height:auto; vertical-align:middle/ tabindex=/0/>
2. when he tries to resolve the error through Microsoft team (Power platform admin centre)
No eligible environment to install the app remote asssist 365 - Hololens2 industrial edition
Re: No eligible environment to install the app remote asssist 365 - Hololens2 industrial edition
Re: No eligible environment to install the app remote asssist 365 - Hololens2 industrial edition
/ class=/lia-media-image/ src=https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/image/serverpage/image-id/539970i20B76FB667E96F78/image-size/medium?v=v2&px=400/ style=/border-color:initial; border-style:initial; border-width:0px; display:block; height:auto; vertical-align:middle/ tabindex=/0/>
Please help to resolve this