Hi experts ,
i have an issue in Accounts Payable >> Payment Journal
When I want to Post Journal it creats an error like this , i have tried to change number sequence but it gives same error
LedgerVoucherObject object not initialized.
Stack trace
(S)\Classes\CustVendVoucher\initCustVendTrans - line 213
(S)\Classes\VendVoucher\initCustVendTrans - line 16
(S)\Classes\CustVendVoucher\post - line 318
(S)\Classes\VendVoucher\post - line 20
(S)\Classes\VendVoucherTaxWithhold\post - line 12
(S)\Classes\TaxWithhold\postTaxWithhold - line 250
(S)\Classes\LedgerJournalTransUpdateVend\postNewVendorVoucher - line 52
(S)\Classes\LedgerJournalTransUpdateVend\updateNow - line 357
(S)\Classes\LedgerJournalCheckPost\postTrans - line 260
(S)\Classes\LedgerJournalCheckPost\postJournal - line 907
(S)\Classes\LedgerJournalCheckPost\run - line 155
(S)\Classes\LedgerJournalPost\post - line 148
(C)\Classes\LedgerJournalPost\main - line 26
(C)\Forms\LedgerJournalTable\Designs\DesignList\Post\Methods\Clicked - line 24
please guide me what are the causes that creates this issue
and how can I resolve this error