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GP 18.3 An error has occurred in the script on this page URL:

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Posted on by 50


I have been reading through the forum for an error message similar to the one below. Most suggest clearing temporary internet files but this message is different. I did clear internet settings, but she uses Chrome not IE.

Has anyone seen this? This happens when the users tries to change between different menu options (ie. from home page to sales or smartlist) and when switching companies. It is only happening to one user. She remotes through RDP.


Process Monitor also has the following pop up and then she can't exit GP


Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

  • jechegoyen Profile Picture
    jechegoyen 50 on at
    RE: GP 18.3 An error has occurred in the script on this page URL:

    Hi Derek,

    I think that may be the issue. I noticed when she sent me a screenshot of her home page this morning it was slightly different from my test environment. Here is a screenshot of her homepage which includes D365/BC insights.


    Thanks for your help!

  • Suggested answer
    RE: GP 18.3 An error has occurred in the script on this page URL:

    If the other options don't fix this script error, I'm curious if you're still on a version of Dynamics GP where we have the Intelligent Cloud Insights side of the GP home page still available?

    In newer versions of GP, we have removed that side from GP completely, but a week or two ago we had a couple cases show up with this type of error message, seemingly due to a change on the D365/BC side that the Intelligent Cloud side connects to.

    If that is the case, you can use this script to set all users to default to the regular GP Home page, not the Intelligent Cloud side, which can throw errors if the users don't actually have a D365 account to login with:

        Update SY08100 set Visible = 0 where SectionID = 2 and DICTID = 0 and SEQNUMBR = 1

    The SY08100 system table has a record for each user where the SectionID = 2 and Visible is set to 0 (for the GP Home page default) or 1 (for Intelligent Cloud Insights default).

    We’d want the Section ID 2 records set with Visible = 0, if the users want the GP Home page to default, when they launch Dynamics GP.

    If you want to test for just one user, you can use the above script with a Where USERID = ‘xxx’ clause added to it.


  • jechegoyen Profile Picture
    jechegoyen 50 on at
    RE: GP 18.3 An error has occurred in the script on this page URL:

    Hi Sonny,

    Your suggestion stopped the error.

    Hopefully knows if there is a permanent fix for this problem.

    Thank you again for your assistance!

  • jechegoyen Profile Picture
    jechegoyen 50 on at
    RE: GP 18.3 An error has occurred in the script on this page URL:

    Hi Sonny,

    I will have the user test this and let you know the results. Thank you for your help!


  • SonnyPawchuk Profile Picture
    SonnyPawchuk 114 on at
    RE: GP 18.3 An error has occurred in the script on this page URL:

    Hi jechegoyen,

    Doesn't resolve the error message, but turning off Connect on the home page should stop the message.


    Please confirm it this does it or turning off the business analyzer box. 



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