I need to pass parameter from a web application that is opened inside a USD Session to CRM Case Screen that is also opened inside same USD Session.
Is there any possibility to do that? I know how to pass from CRM to web.. But I do not have rights to modify the web application. So how can I pass the values from web to crm?
I just need to put the value from web inside Unified Service Desk Data parameters from there I can have the values inside my CRM page.
Please let me know..
Dear Srikanth,
Thank you for your reply.
I am still looking for a suitable solution to this problem.
Basically, I am using Standard Web Application type hosted control and not CCA.
Now, my requirement is that I have a External Web Application which is hosted as Standard Web App inisde USD. I want that External Web App to pass certain parameters to my next screen which is a CRM Page.
Now, lets assume there are 5 text boxes and value from those boxes has to be passed from Application A to Application B, so until the time user has filled in those 5 text boxes with some value, the user will not be allowed to open the CRM page (the next step). So, in a way i need to restrict the user from moving to next step because the next step is dependent on some parameters from my previous step. So, a empty textbox would mean that the user should not be allowed to move ahead unless a value is entered and then that value would be passed and populated inside my CRM page.
So this is the idea, i hope you get it and can help me find the best solution
Hey Faran, Plz dont go to the CCA route. That is unsupported now.
If the requirement is as and when some thing happened in your website, it should be notified to CRM then you can use Runscript, get the value of whatever the field you are after and use the event moniker like (https://event/?EventName=<EVENT_NAME>&key=value&key=value&…) to raise an event in CRM. Tie up your action calls to this event to do whatever it is required in CRM. (Just FYI - you just need to call window.open(https://event/?EventName=<EVENT_NAME>&key=value&key=value&…) to raise the event, USD automatically gets the notification required. Also create a custom event rather than using an existing event for the purpose).
I know the steps are very high level, i'm not sure if you already achieved your requirement or not and so I'm not explaining more in detail. Happy to put some more lines if you are still looking for a solution.
Dear Daniel Neudert,
Thank you so much for your support,
First of all let me tell you that I do not have rights to modify or view the code of the external web application as I am not the developer of that application.
Now coming to the approaches you highlighted,
1. Yes i know i can use JavaScript inside Runscript but using the JavaScript I can onlu store the values inside my JavaScript variables. Lets say on change event of a textbox i pick the value from the textbox and store it on my local JavaScript variable but how will I now pass this value from my Js variable to my CRM Page? Is there any possibility of achieving that?
2. As far as the UII adapter thing is concerned, I have used an adapter to communicate with external WPF application using UI Automation Library but I am not sure how will I be able to communicate with an web application using Web Application adapter?
Thank you Faran, for your helpful feedback.
First of all, as you are using the Standard Web Application Hosted Control, please let me also share the article of the documentation about it:
- docs.microsoft.com/.../standard-web-application-hosted-control
As you can see at this article, you can try to use the RunScript action, to run some JavaScript at your external WebPage, to obtain values from the page.
If you are the developer of the external Web page, you can try to include some JavaScript, to get the needed values and call it, by using the RunScript action.
As the simple Standard Web Application Hosted Control doesn't listen to any events, you can also have a look at another different approach, to use custom UII Adapters, to interact with custom WebApplications.
Please also have a look at the CCA Hosted Application control, to interact with Web Apps:
- docs.microsoft.com/.../walkthrough-create-uii-web-application-adapter
- docs.microsoft.com/.../use-uii-adapters-interact-external-web-applications
- docs.microsoft.com/.../integrate-external-applications-web-applications
I hope, with this information, I was already able to provide you some further hints and information, which will help you with your asks.
Thank you very much and have still a nice day and please stay healthy.
Best regards
Hi Daniel,
Thanks for reaching out.
My application is an external Website that is hosted inside USD. It is not hosted as a web resource.
Below are the configuration,
Hosted Control: Standard Web Application
Action Call: Navigate
and inside Data I am passing the URL of an external web application.
Hello Faran Saleem,
Thanks for using the Microsoft Dynamics CRM community Forums. My name is Daniel Neudert and I will try to further help you with your aks on this.
For more clarification, can you please let me understand, if your Web Application, you are using inside USD is an external WebSite you've created, or is it a WebResource, you've created inside CRM, to have access to the CRM Data context? I would appreciate, if you can explain a little bit more about your Web Application and how it's integrated inside your USD.
Thank you very much for your ask, I'm looking forward to your feedback and have a nice day.
Best regards
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