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Automatically clear hard bounced email

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Posted on by 15
Is there any ways we can automatically turn contact to inactive if it's found in the hard bounced suppresion list?
  • A2-03071356-0 Profile Picture
    A2-03071356-0 3 on at
    Automatically clear hard bounced email
  • YT-07061603-0 Profile Picture
    YT-07061603-0 4 on at
    Automatically clear hard bounced email
    Does anybody know how to achieve the same result using Power Automate Flow? 
  • Automatically clear hard bounced email
    If we are not super familiar with Power Apps or Flows, how do you recommend we set this up? For example, I went into Power Apps and Flows, and selected a New Flow but not sure the next steps after that because Power Apps has been updated since the steps shared below.
  • Community member Profile Picture
    Community member 15 on at
    Automatically clear hard bounced email
    Are we also able to clear contacts with the same email as those found in the suppression list automatically?
    e.g. if with name abc is found in the suppression list, i would also like to deactivate other contact records with
  • Suggested answer
    Leah Ju Profile Picture
    Leah Ju Microsoft Employee on at
    Automatically clear hard bounced email
    Hi partner,
    1. Create one segment to filter contacts who hard bounced email:
    2.Create the on-demand workflow on contact:
    --select 'As an on-demand process' option and change status to inactive, sabe and active it.
    3.Create one customer journey:
    --Add the segment and choose the workflow。

    I hope you can verify my answer if it helps you! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
  • Suggested answer
    Hari Narayan Singh Profile Picture
    Hari Narayan Singh 230 on at
    Automatically clear hard bounced email

    There are different ways we can get this done!

    1. Workflows:
    a. Create a workflow to set a contact record inactive upon run.
    b. Now create a Dynamic segment to collect all the harbounces
    c. Using this segment create a customer journey and use the run a workflow tile to run the "Set contacts to Inactive" flow
    This should get the job done for you using a workflow.

    2. Power Automate Flow
    Alternatively, you can create a power automate flow to trigger every time a new contact is been added to the Hardbounces segment, and update the record status to inactive!

    Hope this helps!

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