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Why the unit price that I fill would not be used in an intercompany purchase order?

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Hello Experts,

Why the unit price that I fill would not be used in an intercompany purchase order?

Let's say we have a sales order. And we are going to create an intercompany purchase order from this sales order by following the steps below.

  1. Open the screen which is titled "Create purchase order" from the menu of a Sales order
  2. Fill the Purchase unit price and then create a new intercompany purchase order
  3. Check the Purchase Unit price in the intercompany purchase order that I just made

Figure 1

Expected behavior is the purchase unit price that I filled by the step 2 would be used in a new intercompany purchase order.

Actual behavior is the unit price has been transferred from product configuration.

My question is, how is the purchase unit price determined in case of intercompany purchase orders?


  • It seems like it would not reproduced if it is not intercompany orders
  • You can reproduce this symptom by using demo data
    (DEMF: Contoso Entertainment System Germany and US-001: Contoso Entertainment System)
  • I am trying to figure out the best way to avoid misleading our customer in the steps creating POs
  • I am using Finance & Operations 2020 release wave 1, product version is 10.0.9, platform version is Update33.

Please let me know if you need further information. Thank you,

  • Seiji Momoto Profile Picture
    Seiji Momoto 75 on at
    RE: Why the unit price that I fill would not be used in an intercompany purchase order?


    I checked again about intercompany sales & purchase policies. Now I am starting to see how they are determined.

    In case you need to give priority to manual entry on the intercompany PO creation screen over trade agreements, there seems to be need to set both of the following:

    • Intercompany vendor > Purchase order policies > Intercompany purchase order prices > Price and discount search: On
    • Intercompany customer > Sales order policies > Intercompany sales order prices > Price and discount search: Off

    The table below shows that some cases and its actual behavior that I tested (v10.0.9, Update33).

    test cases

    I am wrapping up my question:

    1. Why the unit price that I fill would not be used in an intercompany PO?
      Because trade agreements exist for the item in USMF company. It is exactly as Kaushik answered.
    2. What is the difference between intercompany vendor and non intercompany vendor?
      Intercompany trade is affected by intercompany sales and purchase policies. It looks the policies make difference whether manual entry will be used.

    Thank you again for your help.

  • Seiji Momoto Profile Picture
    Seiji Momoto 75 on at
    RE: Why the unit price that I fill would not be used in an intercompany purchase order?

    Hi Sandeep,

    Yes, I have checked Intercompany Sales and Purchase policies. We are still working on proving the correctness of the policies. And I have not found any parameter which seems to be the cause.

  • Verified answer
    Sandeep Chaudhury Profile Picture
    Sandeep Chaudhury 3,303 on at
    RE: Why the unit price that I fill would not be used in an intercompany purchase order?

    Hey Seiji, Have you checked your Intercompany Sales and Purchase policies to make sure the setups are correct? You can find it under Customer > General Tab > Intercompany button.

  • Seiji Momoto Profile Picture
    Seiji Momoto 75 on at
    RE: Why the unit price that I fill would not be used in an intercompany purchase order?

    Hi Kaushik,

    I appreciate your help! I will deal with it as per your suggestion. Please let me keep this question Open in this forum for a few days, after that I will get back here with further updates and mark your answer as verified.

  • Verified answer
    P.k.Kaushik Profile Picture
    P.k.Kaushik 1,031 on at
    RE: Why the unit price that I fill would not be used in an intercompany purchase order?

    Hello Seiji,

    I carried out some tests and i observe the same behaviour as you do.

    The price of 330 in our example is picked by the trade agreement set in the Customer  DE-001 of the USMF company.

    I also tried the below example

    I created a new Item >> released it in USMF and DEMF.

    Created a Sales order for the new item.

    Created a  purchase From >> Non inter company  vendor >> Unit price is as i filled .

    Created a purchase from >> Intercompany Vendor >> Unit price in the intercompany sales and

    purchase orders were 0.00.

    You may consider opening a support ticket to understand if it is a bug or by- design system behaviour.

    If it is concluded as by-design, you may choose to submit this idea to the product team using the below link.

    Thanks, Kaushik

    This post is my own opinion and does not necessarily reflect the opinion or view of my company or Microsoft.

    P.S:- Please mark the answer as verified if it helps you in resolving the issue.

  • Seiji Momoto Profile Picture
    Seiji Momoto 75 on at
    RE: Why the unit price that I fill would not be used in an intercompany purchase order?

    Hi Kaushik,

    Thank you for the reply. That is exactly how the unit price is determined. Actual behavior that I mentioned in the above question is wrong. Actually it is picked from trade agreements, as you mentioned.

    But could you please try the same steps in DEMF company in the case of NOT intercompany purchase order?

    I tried the steps in three cases below. I do not get what is difference between case #2 and others.

    1. in USMF company with same item D0001, purchase from US-101 which is not intercompany
      Unit price is given as I filled in the "Create purchase order" screen
    2. in DEMF company with same item D0001, purchase from US-001 which is intercompany
      Unit price is given from trade agreements 
    3. in DEMF company with same item D0001, purchase from DE-001 which is not intercompany
      Unit price is given as I filled in the "Create purchase order" screen


  • Verified answer
    P.k.Kaushik Profile Picture
    P.k.Kaushik 1,031 on at
    RE: Why the unit price that I fill would not be used in an intercompany purchase order?


    I followed the steps in DEMF company and the price of purchase order is  picked from Trade agreement. (330)


    If a trade agreement exists, system will always give that a priority.

    You may try the same steps in USMF company with same item D0001.

    The unit price mentiond in the "Create Purchase order" screen will be cascaded to the "purchase order".

    Reason :- trade agreements exsists for item D0001 in USMF company.

    Thanks, Kaushik

    This post is my own opinion and does not necessarily reflect the opinion or view of my company or Microsoft.

    P.S:- Please mark the answer as verified if it helps you in resolving the issue.

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