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MS Copilot being added to env.

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We are running 3 env. Dev, Test, Prod. Using Azure Pipelines to build and deploy solutions.

I was just making changes to a solution containing some custom changes to the Email form.

And when deploying to our Test env. I get a dependency error:

The missing dependencies are : <MissingDependencies><MissingDependency><Required type="61" schemaName="msdyn_CopilotEmailAssist.js" displayName="msdyn_CopilotEmailAssist.js"
Does anyone know if we can manually remove this in Dev or install it in Test. As of now I need to go into my solution and manually remove the dependency, in order to deploy our changes.
Kind Regards
  • HandeMV Profile Picture
    HandeMV on at
    RE: MS Copilot being added to env.

    Yes, Sometimes it happens. Not all environment get updates at same time. Just wait for sometime and let's see if it gets resolved. If not, we will find out something.

  • Jellew Profile Picture
    Jellew 153 on at
    RE: MS Copilot being added to env.

    I can see that it's already enabled on both Dev , Test, Prod, but I can't find the msdyn_CopilotEmailAssist in the Default solution on Test. But it is in Dev and Prod.

    Is it slowly rolling out?

  • Suggested answer
    HandeMV Profile Picture
    HandeMV on at
    RE: MS Copilot being added to env.


    To add it in other environments, ou can follow following steps:

    1. Navigate to
    2. Select Environments -> Environment on which you want to activate copilot.
    3. Open Settings -> Features. There you will able to see Copilot. Just enable it and save settings.

    This will look something like this:


    You can enable this on Test and prod before deployment to solve your issue.

    Please mark this as verified if this resolves your issue. 

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