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Issue on refreshing the Dynamic Excel Worksheet from Advance Find

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I am facing an issue while refreshing the records in Dynamics worksheet exported from Advance find.

For troubleshooting, I tried to go to settings of the excel sheet and check on unblock in the settings as shown below, kept the System region same as the CRM region but still the records don't refresh.


When i try to open the connection and click on edit query, it gives me the below error. I don't get the instance name to login as i have seen such steps in many blogs.


When i try to refresh the excel sheet by clicking on Data -> Refresh from Dynamics 365, it does not do any action.

When i tried to make the region same and tried to refresh then it gives me the below error :


Is it something that i am missing here?

Any help is very much appreciated.

Thank you :)

  • RE: Issue on refreshing the Dynamic Excel Worksheet from Advance Find

    Hi Learner001,

    I am currently checking this further internally.

    In the meantime, I would also like to suggest using Microsoft Power query to fetch the data from your org. You can find the steps on how to perform this on this link:

  • Learner001 Profile Picture
    Learner001 40 on at
    RE: Issue on refreshing the Dynamic Excel Worksheet from Advance Find

    Hi Sarah,

    This is exactly the steps i performed. And on my end it works perfectly fine now.

    But when my client does this, there is still an issue which is not consistent but randomly if she generate multiple dynamics sheets for different entity, then this error gets produced in some of them and the data automatically disappears.

    I have a question, Do we need to perform all the steps you mentioned every time you create a dynamics sheet?

    Thank you.

  • RE: Issue on refreshing the Dynamic Excel Worksheet from Advance Find

    Hi Learner001,

    Thank you for posting the updates regarding your findings.

    I have tested on the following:

    - Excel version: 16.0.12730.20054 32-bit

    - Dynamics 365 CE Online: Version 1710 ( online (2020 Wave 1 enabled)

    - Chrome version : Version 80.0.3987.163

    The repro steps I did are:

    1- Selected "Account" entity on Advanced Find

    2- Executed the results

    3- Clicked on "Data" --> Dynamic Worksheet" and exported it

    4- I opened the Saved file and Enabled Editing, Enabled Content

    5- I clicked on Data tab --> Queries and Connections --> Right click on the connection and click "Properties"

    6- On the Definition tab, I selected Edit Query

    7- I clicked on Go --> I got an error (same as the one you pasted)

    8- I closed the windows, I clicked on Data -- >Refresh All --> Data was refreshed

    9- I did an update on one of the records in the organization and clicked on Data --> Refresh All again, --> Data was also refreshed successfully.

    I don't seem to be able to reproduce the issue on your side. But can you confirm the repro steps and kindly let me know if i'm missing something?

    You can also try to take fiddler traces while reproducing the issue, it might be able to point us to some error there.

  • Suggested answer
    Learner001 Profile Picture
    Learner001 40 on at
    RE: Issue on refreshing the Dynamic Excel Worksheet from Advance Find

    Hello Everyone,

    Below steps helped me refresh the records while further troubleshooting.

    1. Open the instance using Internet Explorer and go to explorer settings. Navigate to Advanced tab in internet options and navigate to Security Section.

    Uncheck the “Do not save encrypted pages to disk” option and click on Apply -> Ok.  

    2. Now go to advance find and  export the dynamic worksheet as required.

    3. Now create a new record in CRM or update an existing record to see if the data refreshes.

    4. Open the downloaded excel sheet. Navigate to Data -> Click on Refresh All dropdown -> Select Refresh All/Refresh and all the updated records will be refreshed.

    This works for me.

    But cannot understand why this doesn't work in Google chrome. May be some security options to be unchecked but cant find any.

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