Normally the actual arrival time from the mobile client is set equal to start time. Suddenly around 16 march the error started happening. Before that it was working just fine. i fetched the error from the sync log in woodford.
The problem is happening when changing status from ex. in progress, on break to "Completed". Then a sync error is thrown. As far as i can see it's not everytime it's happening - making the error even more strange!
Our normal process is setting the bookignstatus to Scheduled, In progress, Completed. When set to "In Progress" we use rules in woodford to set start time equal that time (Local time when bookingstatus is changed) . When "Completed" we set end time equal that time (Local time when bookingstatus is changed) .
We haven't changed anything in our org. Neither the mobile project, plugins/workflows in CRM since 3 march. Therefore i find it very strange that this problem suddenly started.
SyncStart:2020-03-24 20:06:20+01:00
Date:2020-03-24 20:06:37+01:00
<RemoteConflictResolution Requests='0' tim='116ms' />
<Upload entity=bookableresourcebooking>
<Upload entity=msdyn_bookingtimestamp>
<Upload entity=resco_mobileaudit>
1> Create resco_mobileaudit[msdyn_bookingtimestamp, 0ab103d8-168a-4f0c-b811-cc3eb4f6c96c]
2> Create resco_mobileaudit[msdyn_workorder, c3123eea-889b-4667-bfd0-bc4e365ec115]
3> Create resco_mobileaudit[bookableresourcebooking, 930692cb-8abf-4528-aefe-6439abbedaec]
4> Create resco_mobileaudit[synchronization, 50fb4f4c-da62-4781-8007-fb61a43bf04d]
MultiSend> 4 packets in 228ms
ClearLog 0ab103d8-168a-4f0c-b811-cc3eb4f6c96c
ClearLog c3123eea-889b-4667-bfd0-bc4e365ec115
ClearLog 930692cb-8abf-4528-aefe-6439abbedaec
ClearLog 50fb4f4c-da62-4781-8007-fb61a43bf04d
<Upload entity=bookableresourcebooking>
1> Update bookableresourcebooking[Bookable resource name, c8ba4342-ccfe-4be8-b8f5-56a1efbea912]
MultiSend> 1 packets in 428ms
1> Server Error: The start time can't be later than the actual arrival time.
ActivityId=98ce0572-fedb-4142-8697-aadac64790fa| ErrorCode=-2147220891| ErrorDetails.OperationStatus=0| ErrorDetails.SubErrorCode=-2146233088| Timestamp=2020-03-24T19:06:24.8966115Z| ExceptionRetriable=false| InnerFault.InnerFault.InnerFault.ErrorCode=-2147220970| InnerFault.InnerFault.InnerFault.Message=System.Exception: The start time can't be later than the actual arrival time.
at Microsoft.Dynamics.FieldService.Operations.BookableResourceBookingOperation.BeforeCreateOrUpdate()
at FieldOne.PluginCommon.Operation`1.HandleMessage()
at FieldOne.PluginCommon.Operation`1.Execute()
at FieldOne.PluginCommon.FosPluginBase.ExecutePlugin(ITrace tracingService, IPluginExecutionContext pluginContext, IOrganizationServiceFactory serviceFactory, ISharedVariablesService sharedVariablesService)
at Microsoft.Dynamics.FieldService.FieldServicePlugin.ExecutePlugin(ITrace tracingService, IPluginExecutionContext pluginContext, IOrganizationServiceFactory serviceFactory, ISharedVariablesService sharedVariablesService)
at FieldOne.PluginCommon.FosPluginBase.Execute(IServiceProvider serviceProvider): Microsoft Dynamics CRM has experienced an error. Reference number for administrators or support: #822C8E4E