I have a workflow that sends out 2 email upon a submission of an application.
Both emails are sent using the same sender, of which its email is admin@campus.com
1 email was sent successfully to the applicant, of an external email address.
The other email failed to be sent to an internal staff, of which it's email is james@myschool.com
Below is the error displayed under the Activities > Email section of the application.
Your message couldn't be delivered because it's too large. The limit is 0 KB. Your message is 13 KB.
James Tan - My School (james@myschool.com)
Your message couldn't be sent because it's too large.
Diagnostic information for administrators:
Generating server: SGXXXXXMB2555.apcprd04.prod.outlook.com
Remote Server returned '550 X.X.XX RESOLVER.RST.SendSizeLimit.Sender; message too large for this sender'
Original message headers:
Authentication-Results: myschool.com; dkim=none (message not signed) header.d=none;myschool.com; dmarc=none action=none header.from=campus.com; Received: from ... Received: from ... Content-Type: application/ms-tnef; name="winmail.dat" Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary From: Admin <admin@campus.com> To: James- My School <james@myschool.com> Subject: Application Pending Review Thread-Topic: Application Pending Review Thread-Index: ... Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2020 10:41:09 +0000 Message-ID: <CA32ADD00FE44098B80A2F375810EEC71D6709510F25@ADMIN.CAMPUS.COM> Accept-Language: en-US Content-Language: en-US X-MS-Has-Attach: X-MS-TNEF-Correlator: <CA32ADD00FE44098B80A2F375810EEC71D6709510F25@ADMIN.CAMPUS.COM> MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Originating-IP: [52.XXX.XX.XXX] X-MS-PublicTrafficType: Email Return-Path: admin@campus.com X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: ... X-MS-TrafficTypeDiagnostic: ...:
May I know how can I troubleshoot this, or who should I refer this issue to, if it is not due to Dynamics?