I have a sales order (sales order number 000833) with one line of quantity 10, 5 pcs picked from B-01, and 5 pcs from B-02.
Image no.01 shown the sales order line transaction before post item arrival.
I created a return sales order by using return sales order functionality with quantity 7.
When start arrival from arrival overview form, a new arrival journal will be created.
If we review the original sales order line transaction
Image no (2)
AX will try to match the quantity with asc with batch number, and fill return lot ID.
Now in the arrival journal I split the line of 7 by 4 because I want to return 3 pcs from B-01 and 4 pcs from B-02
If I will choose the batch it will show, the following (image no (3))
Which is the transaction form original sales order (Mismatch with what I want ), I will ignaore the reference and quantity and choose B-01, B-02.
Then I will packing slip, and invoice the return sales order.
Note> if we will check the return sales order AX, will automatically will divide the quantity as item arrival??????????? why
Now If we will see the original sales order the transaction still the same ???????????
Wrong behave
Image (4)
If I check the created sales order for return sales order , it will show the corrected transaction
Many questions will be asked
- Why ax divide the return sales order, and how I can distinguish between user input and AX?
- The transaction from the original sales order is wrong with return lot id?????
- From the original sales order how can I know which batch is returned , as example above B-01 5 PCS AS sold, 3 PCS returned?????????????
- If I will delete the arrival journal AX will keep the two line which is different from what I created ? one line with quantity 7