Here is what we typically use in IM for some tracing.
You can use the IMTrace.log file to help determine the reason an error message occurs in an integration in Integration Manager. To create the IMTrace.log file, follow these steps:
1. Browse to your Integration Manager folder. This folder is typically at the following location:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics\Integration Manager
2. Open the Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.IntegrationManager.exe.config file by using Notepad or another text editor.
3. Locate the three switches near the bottom of the file. Change the value of the first switch and the third switch to 1 . For example, the switches section will resemble the following:
- <switches>
-<add name=”IMTracingOn” value=”1”/>
-<add name=”TraceGPScriptInstructions” value=”0”/>
-<add name=”TraceGPDexInstructions” value=”1”/>
Close and reopen Integration Manager, and then run the integration. After it fails, go into the IM folder and there should be a file called IMTrace.txt that contains the errors.
Another item we can try is when you run the integration, GP goes hidden
If we change these INI settings, you will see GP and you can see how the windows go through and maybe where it is failing for you.
I also stripped down my dynamics.set file and had security to the GP core window for employee not a 3rd party window
At this location
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics\Integration Manager 12
Find the Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.IntegrationManager.ini
Open in notepad
Change the two below to TRUE
When I change the switch to
This helps to determine where it is stopping.