We have a sales order list which was customized so there's an additional field in the Sales Order List page called pstatus. This pstatus is a global function in the page's source table which is sales header. The pstatus function performs some calculation and then returns string values such as 'open', 'closed' or 'on hold'. This pstatus is defined as a field in the Sales Order List where by source expression is the pstatus global function. Needless to say, it worked like a charm so each sales order will have a pstatus of 'open' or 'closed', etc. The problem I am running into is it's not part of the filter fields....most likely because it's a function and not a column field from Sales Header. How can I filter the Sales Order LIst so users can select 'open' only pstatus? IN the Filter ddlist, this pstatus column is not included. I was thinking to add On action code unit? Any sample code as to how to show a ddlist in the Action Tab or a group of radio buttons and then be able to filter the source of the sales order list so only records with pstatus='open' can show?
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