Hi all,
I am having a little problem here with picking list behavior. In a production order when I Picking List->Create Lines->remain quantity and there is no On-Hand quantity at all and I add some quantity consumption on any item of any line and click Validate or Post, The infolog SHows that everything is OK.
No matter if manually create a picking list Journal or by Create Lines and add some consumption quantity; the journal will be posted with Zero(0) quantity in consumption. I don't remember this kind of behavior before.
HI Sergei,
Thanks for replying, I haved tried. But I found out the problem was on the Production Control Parameters -> Journals -> Uncheck the Physical reduction (from Picking list journal section)
when is unchecked. The picking list journal won't validate/post unless the quatity to be consummed is indeed available in stock. :)
Hi Nestor,
The first thing that came in mind is to check the item model group for the item if negative inventory is allowed.
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