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Dynamics GP 2018 On-Prem using Azure AD

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Hello.  My company uses the latest version of GP 2018 on-prem.  We are slowly planning on moving to Azure AD and eliminating on-prem AD altogether.  GP is really the only app I am really concerned about compatibility.  I've seen a lot of docs on using GP with AAD, but many of them are old and deal with older versions of GP.

We have a single GP server with SQL installed on it.  The plan is to keep the server on prem, but to migrate to AAD and eliminate traditional AD altogether.  As far as I can see, we have one service account that services eConnect and the Management reporter services.  I believe the GP user laptops also have this account in their local admin group.  Users login to GP using SQL accounts, but I think Management Reporter uses AD accounts.

My question is, can I use AAD for all this and do you have a doc that shows how to do that?

I'm not totally against moving the GP server into Azure if that is required.  

Right now we are in a hybrid AAD/AD environment with all computers members of the AD domain at this time.  


  • Suggested answer
    Beat Bucher  GP Geek  GPUG All Star Profile Picture
    Beat Bucher GP Gee... 28,054 Super User 2024 Season 1 on at
    RE: Dynamics GP 2018 On-Prem using Azure AD

    Hi EWilliams,

    Dynamics GP will work on Azure the same way as if you'd have it setup on-prem..

    You would only need AAD if you plan to use Management Reporter 2012 (which only works with Windows Authentication) or want to use WorkFlow 2.0 in GP.. WF is using the Windows AD user ID to manage some of the approval process and notification.

    That being said, I've migrated several customers already from on-prem to Azure, some deciding to keep their local AD on-prem and sync with AAD in the cloud, others simply using the O365 AAD to authenticate users in the cloud against their Windows ID when login into the Remote Desktop server or a Web Proxy login.

    Re-reading your initial question, I'm wondering why you'd keep your GP SQL server on-prem and move your users to AAD authentication... ? makes not much sense to me. At this point if you decide to start migrating everything to Azure, why not go full Azure ? Migrating the SQL server content to Azure is very easy.

    The documentation that exists about running Dynamics GP on Azure is quite a few years old, but basically not much has changed since the publication. As I said, you mirror all of your systems into the cloud and run everything from Azure. There is no need to maintain anything on-prem, except if you still want to have local network printers that would need to be accessible somewhat from the GP / SQL server (and also some file servers if you don't want to go full 1Drive).

  • Richard Wheeler Profile Picture
    Richard Wheeler 75,730 on at
    RE: Dynamics GP 2018 On-Prem using Azure AD

    This is false. The only thing that is not supported are older versions. Dynamics GP 10.x.xxxx is NOT set to end by 2028.

  • Suggested answer
    RE: Dynamics GP 2018 On-Prem using Azure AD

    The only 'supported' configuration we currently have with Dynamics GP is the use of a DC in Azure just like you would in a non-Azure environment.

    We're currently looking at this type of setup, but as of not, it isn't officially supported, thus we can't state for sure that you won't run into issues with it.

    That being said, I know we've seen customers use it, so maybe others from the Community can give you more info on their experiences and setup.


  • ewilliams95 Profile Picture
    ewilliams95 10 on at
    RE: Dynamics GP 2018 On-Prem using Azure AD

    Thanks for the reply Derek.  I'm not really looking to use Azure SQL.  I am using SQL2016 installed directly on the server.  I am just looking to get rid of my on-prem AD and move to Azure AD.  I am just wondering if it is possible to do that and continue using on prem SQL and GP?


  • Suggested answer
    RE: Dynamics GP 2018 On-Prem using Azure AD

    I know we've seen some issues with hybrid environments such as this, where SQL Server is on Azure/'in the cloud' while Dynamics GP application is on-premise.

    I will say that Azure SQL is not supported with Dynamics GP at all so that may change your plans.

    That all being said, I believe Mariano did a blog series a few years ago with Dynamics GP and Azure SQL, but even there he mentions it isn't a supported environment.

    I'd recommend looking at this forum as well, which has more information on pretty much the same question, from last week: 


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