Dear Colleagues, I have a question and I would greatly appreciate your response if you know the answer or have some comments to share. We are currently in the process of migrating from 2011 on-premise to 365 online. All the data was already migrated from 2011 to 365 roughly a month ago. Users are still working in 2011 and updating records. We would like to find those records that are being updated in 2011 and apply the changes in 365 (i.e. do delta migration) until we switch over to 365 within the next couple of months.
What is the best way to do this? I can think of 2 ways of doing this. Once through sql server and one through a console app.
The problem with the first solution is that we cannot use linked server because the 365 is on Azure and we don't have access to it. We do have a Managed SQL on Azure that the data from 365 is dumped into but again, I have been told that we cannot use linked server to access that database from another server which would be ideally the 2011 although we can directly connect to this SQL MI (i.e. managed instance). So to do this through SQL, I think we need to do some manual tasks by possibly running the first query on 2011 to get the data that is changed (based on ModifiedOn) and then export that data to a file. Provide that file to the second server (SQL MI), read from it and process it on 365 to find those record that need to be updated. And then possibly generate another file that identifies those records that need to be flagged on 2011, generate another file, and use that file to update 2011.
The second solution would be to create a console app that connects to 2011, queries modified data from 2011, store it in memory somewhere (which I am not sure where and how) and then connect to 365, loop through the records, find the matching ones and finally flag the 2011 records that need to be migrated.
I hope my solutions above make sense. My question is:
Which one of these solutions are better or you recommend? What am I missing here? Is there any reference materials you can provide to help? Any other suggestions?
Thank you so much in advance. Please let me know if you have any questions or need clarification on the above.