We have created a custom design for SalesInvoice report, so now we have 2 designs:
1. SalesInvoice.Report (standard default design)
2. SalesInvouce.Custom
We call our report from the CustInvoiceJournal where there is this call
new MenuFunction(menuitemOutputStr(SalesInvoiceOriginal), MenuItemType::Output).run(args);
So, now we have modified out controller class like this:
//>>CUSTOM CODE custInvoiceJour = _args.record(); if (custInvoiceJour.InvoicePrintType == InvoicePrintType::PackingSlipInvoice) { formLetterController.parmReportName(ssrsReportStr(SalesInvoice, Custom)); } //<<CUSTOM CODE formLetterController.parmShowDialog(false); formLetterController.startOperation();
The issue is that even when we set parmReportName to ssrsReportStr(SalesInvoice, Custom), the default design "SalesInvoice.Report" is executed.
Any ideas on how to actually execute our custom design?
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