Hello, I am looking to separate the dynamics.set file so as to have two sets of reports on the same terminal server. Unfortunately, it has been years since I have done so.
anyone have steps documented?
thanks in advance
Hello, I am looking to separate the dynamics.set file so as to have two sets of reports on the same terminal server. Unfortunately, it has been years since I have done so.
anyone have steps documented?
thanks in advance
Thanks! I got it now. truly helped
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics\GP\Dynamics.exe" Dynamics1.set could be properties of one icon and
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics\GP\Dynamics.exe" Dynamics2.set could be properties of the second icon.
In each set file you would point to different paths.
You would create separate dynamics.set files and separate shortcuts. Each of the shortcuts would reference a respective .set file.
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