Hello everyone!
I am trying to extend the Business Manager role center, specifically the wide cues. However, I am getting the error in the title (“Error: The FieldClass for the Remaining Amt. (LCY) field in the Cust. Ledger Entry table must be Normal..”) in place of the wide cues as soon as I add the "Open Customer Invoices Sum" field on the page, as shown below.
Still, there is no error when only adding the "Open Vendor Invoices Sum", even though this field also uses the same exact CalcFormula and is based on another flowfield. Why does it work in the case of "Vendor Ledger Entry"."Remaining Amt. (LCY)" but not in the case of sum("Cust. Ledger Entry"."Remaining Amt. (LCY)"?
Would appreciate some suggestions to get around this error.
Many thanks!
tableextension 50205 "Activities Cue Ext" extends "Activities Cue"
field(50200; "Open Vendor Invoices Sum"; Decimal)
CalcFormula = sum("Vendor Ledger Entry"."Remaining Amt. (LCY)" where("Document Type" = filter(Invoice),
"Remaining Amount" = filter(> 0),
"Applies-to ID" = filter('')));
Caption = 'Creditors (Total AP)';
Editable = false;
FieldClass = FlowField;
field(50201; "Open Customer Invoices Sum"; Decimal)
CalcFormula = sum("Cust. Ledger Entry"."Remaining Amt. (LCY)" where("Document Type" = filter(Invoice),
"Remaining Amt. (LCY)" = filter(> 0),
"Applies-to ID" = filter('')));
Caption = 'Debtors (Total AR)';
Editable = false;
FieldClass = FlowField;
field(50202; "Overdue Customer Invoices Sum"; Decimal)
AutoFormatType = 1;
Caption = 'Debtors - Overdue';
FieldClass = FlowField;
CalcFormula = sum("Detailed Cust. Ledg. Entry"."Amount (LCY)" where(
"Initial Entry Due Date" = field(upperlimit("Overdue Date Filter"))
pageextension 50241 "O365 Activities Ext" extends "O365 Activities"
addafter("Overdue Purch. Invoice Amount")
field("Open Vendor Invoices Sum"; Rec."Open Vendor Invoices Sum")
ApplicationArea = All;
ToolTip = 'Summation of AP/outstanding vendor invoices';
addafter("Open Vendor Invoices Sum")
field("Open Customer Invoices Sum"; Rec."Open Customer Invoices Sum")
ApplicationArea = All;
ToolTip = 'Summation of AR/outstanding customer invoices';