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CPQ ISV Software Suggestions

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My company is wants to upgrade to D365, but we need a CPQ software that can run with D365.  We tried ExperLogix, but after much effort and coordination with that company we determined the software will not work for us.  Does anyone have another suggestion?  My company is in the chemicals business so we have many raw materials that go into a mix for a final product. We currently use an in house developed software to configure our product mixes, but we don't want to use that with D365.

  • nunomaia Profile Picture
    nunomaia 9 Super User 2024 Season 1 on at
    RE: CPQ ISV Software Suggestions

    I know that I am missing all the picture of your business process. This is a simple alternative to your requirements, For sure, that you have dozens of business requirements not covered by the standard. I'm not aware of a third party solution for CPQ,

    Did you tried to search in appSpurce for Dynamics ?      

    In a standard way to that business requirement : 

    1. Create a new BOM and add it to the customer quote.

    2. Block BOM to have inventory transactions ( manual step ).  

    3. Create a Sales Order 

    4. Unlock BOM to have inventory transactions. ( manual step ). 

    5. Create Production Orders from Sales Orders.   

    You can automate 2 and 3 with a simple customization, for example to unlock inventory transactions of BOM when a quote is converted to a Sales Order. 

  • André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 291,965 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: CPQ ISV Software Suggestions

    Hi ALopezHF,

    You can search on Microsoft AppSource for CPQ solutions suitable for Dynamics 365 F&O.  Business Apps – Microsoft AppSource

    Wouldn't ExperLogic consider solving this as roadmap item, collaborative development or a customization?

  • ALopezHF Profile Picture
    ALopezHF 5 on at
    RE: CPQ ISV Software Suggestions

    The biggest deal breaker is ExperLogix (EL) could not find a way for us to create a BOM for a quote, but prevent that BOM from going to production.  Imagine a customer wanting a quote for a unique mix of ingredients and as soon as you create that quote the BOM is going into D365 production and you don't know if the customer is going to buy the product or not.

  • nunomaia Profile Picture
    nunomaia 9 Super User 2024 Season 1 on at
    RE: CPQ ISV Software Suggestions

    Please, can you describe what business cases are not supported by D365 out of the box ? D365 increases the functionality over  AX related to CPQ. Out of the box, not the best product, but solves many problems. 

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