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[BPErrorEDTNotMigrated]: The relation under the extended data type (EDT) must be migrated to a table relation

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1. What does this BP mean, why do i need to do it?

It seems if i go to the field in staging table and set IgnoreEDTRelation to true, the warning disappears. But I believe i should create a relation as well.

I'm getting this BP warning for two fields

- one of them is mandatory: InvoiceId (EDT:CustInvoiceId)

   So i believe the relation should be with custInvoiceJour.InvoiceId

   2. However what is the cardinality and RelatedTableCardinality?

- the other one is priceGroup (EDT:CustPriceGroup) (not Mandatory)

3. what is the relation? and what is cardinality and RelatedTableCardinality?

  • D365FO user Profile Picture
    D365FO user 465 on at
    RE: [BPErrorEDTNotMigrated]: The relation under the extended data type (EDT) must be migrated to a table relation

    I mean in case of skipping staging, it will be empty.

    Thanks alot gunjan, this was very helpful. However i'm not sure why we should ignore edt relation and put the relation manually?

    Also what does it mean to ignore edt relation? As there is no relation on the edt?

    -- also if u have time please, Can u take a look at this question

  • Gunjan Bhattachayya Profile Picture
    Gunjan Bhattachayya 35,421 on at
    RE: [BPErrorEDTNotMigrated]: The relation under the extended data type (EDT) must be migrated to a table relation

    Since the root table is CustInvoiceTrans, I am not sure why the staging table would be empty.

    Cardinality refers to the table the relation is being created on. ZeroMore means that we could have multiple records in CustInvoiceTrans related to each record in CustInvoiceJour.

  • D365FO user Profile Picture
    D365FO user 465 on at
    RE: [BPErrorEDTNotMigrated]: The relation under the extended data type (EDT) must be migrated to a table relation

    Hi Gunjan,

    ok i thought i can use zeroOne because staging table can be empty. Then i think we can use Exactly one to fields that are not mandatory such as custAccount right? as this one should always be filled from the parent table?

    and can you explain what does cardinality zeroMore means for InvoiceId? in the same way you explained related table cardinality

  • Suggested answer
    Gunjan Bhattachayya Profile Picture
    Gunjan Bhattachayya 35,421 on at
    RE: [BPErrorEDTNotMigrated]: The relation under the extended data type (EDT) must be migrated to a table relation

    The related table cardinality refers to the parent table. ZeroOne would mean that the invoiceId might exist or might not exist in the parent table i.e. CustInvoiceJour. This is not the case here as InvoiceId is bound to exist in CustInvoiceJour for it to be present in CustInvoiceTrans. Hence, we should set it to ExactlyOne.

  • D365FO user Profile Picture
    D365FO user 465 on at
    RE: [BPErrorEDTNotMigrated]: The relation under the extended data type (EDT) must be migrated to a table relation

    yeah but my question is how come zeroMore and exactlyOne

    shouldn't it be zeroMore and zeroOne?

    can you please explain it

  • Gunjan Bhattachayya Profile Picture
    Gunjan Bhattachayya 35,421 on at
    RE: [BPErrorEDTNotMigrated]: The relation under the extended data type (EDT) must be migrated to a table relation

    In that case, I believe you can follow the cardinality set for the relation on CustInvoiceTrans. Correct? That's the same I mentioned before.

  • D365FO user Profile Picture
    D365FO user 465 on at
    RE: [BPErrorEDTNotMigrated]: The relation under the extended data type (EDT) must be migrated to a table relation

    i made an entity for invoice lines (main root custInvociceTrans)

    which means my staging table can have more than one line related to custInvoiceJour

  • Gunjan Bhattachayya Profile Picture
    Gunjan Bhattachayya 35,421 on at
    RE: [BPErrorEDTNotMigrated]: The relation under the extended data type (EDT) must be migrated to a table relation


    I am not sure how your original table is designed. Since you mentioned that InvoiceId is a mandatory field in the table, I gave you the example of CustInvoiceTrans. Will your records have a 1:1 relation with CustInvoiceJour? Or will it be 1:n?

  • D365FO user Profile Picture
    D365FO user 465 on at
    RE: [BPErrorEDTNotMigrated]: The relation under the extended data type (EDT) must be migrated to a table relation

    Hi Gunjan,

    Cardinality "ZeroMore" should mean that each invoiceId in custInvoiceJour can relate to nth in the staging table in case staging is not used, right? or this invoiceId could occur more than once in the staging table ( since invoiceId is not the only index in my staging table then this is correct) right?

    Cardinality "ExactlyOne" should mean that each invoiceId in my staging table can only belong to one invoiceId in custInvoiceJour. which is ture because custInvoiceJour unique index is invoiceId but shouldn't it be zeroOne since the staging table can be empty?

  • Verified answer
    Gunjan Bhattachayya Profile Picture
    Gunjan Bhattachayya 35,421 on at
    RE: [BPErrorEDTNotMigrated]: The relation under the extended data type (EDT) must be migrated to a table relation

    Hi D365FO user,

    For InvoiceIs, you should create a relation with CustInvoiceJour. Since this field is mandatory,  I would suggest you go with Cardinality "ZeroMore" and Related Table Cardinality "ExactlyOne". You can follow the relation set in CustInvoiceTrans.

    For CustPriceGroup, the cardinality should be "ZeroMore" and the Related Table Cardinality should be "ZeroOne". You can check the relation created in SalesQuotationHeaderV2Staging table as an example.

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