Does anyone have the "standard" source code for the web template of a Web - Case entity form?
I am having such a time getting an adx-webpage to display from a click of an action in an entity list.
I would like to display the entity form Web - Case when the user clicks on the action Display Case on the Case entity list for a particular Case. I want the user to see the details of a Case.
Yes, I can display the Web - Case in a modal, however my goal is to display a web page and in the future that web page will be customized to allow the user to attach a file and send an email.
right now when the user clicks on Display Case, the portal is routed to the Display Case web page and the URL does contain the Case ID. however, the page is blank (except for the header and navigation elements).
I have created
Entity Form Dataverse: Web - Ticket
Entity form: Display Case EF
Page template: Display Case PT
Web Template: Display Case WT
Web Page information: Display Case WP
Web Page - content: Display Case WP content
and of course: a website, home page, and everything for a working entity list for Case.
Thanks y'all!!